RHDD Services

Family, Trust, Empathy and Kindness are not just words at RHDD. They are the heart of our mission and values. When challenges arise, we look to solve them with Honest, Caring and Compassionate Conversations, Creativity and Teamwork.

As a private, not-for profit serving people with a disability in Southeastern Ohio, we begin our meetings with the reading of our mission as we strive for each decision to enhance and improve our services.

RHDD is an approved provider of services through the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) waiver programs and the Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD). We also accept Supported Living funding and Private Pay. Our staff provides up to 24-hour assistance to encourage people to achieve the highest quality of life possible.

Speak At An Event

By providing your knowledge with our community, you are inspiring the growth of people that look and reflect your day to day lives while also highlighting minority talent in the tech industry.
Benefits of Speaking at An Event
Connect with an audience that looks and reflects you
An opportunity to teach and spread knowledge of your expertise
Ability to highlight your talents and skills in the tech industry
Networking with potential candidates or employers


Our events cover a diverse range of topics related to data & analytics, coding, cybersecurity, design, recruitment, professional development, startups, vcs and more.
Please complete the following form to share your interest in speaking at upcoming Black Tech Columbus events.
Speakers Form

All of our Services Include:


Compassionate and Professional Staff


Advocacy – We Help Your Voice Be Heard


Teamwork to Find and Support Decisions Made


Opportunities to Develop Friendships and Relationships


Experienced Passionate Management who Explore Individualize Solutions


Experienced Passionate Management who Explore Individualize Solutions

Explore RHDD Services

Residential Services

Adult Day Array

Creative Employment Solutions

Ancillary Services